У меня нет особых предпочтений, я предпочитаю пять долларов трем долларам, вот, пожалуй, и все. (Правила жизни Игги Попа)

the fucked soul skream

Part 1,day,2.10.2006

u tried to cry,u tried to yell

but i'm just not that type of girl,

i wont stay still and wait for u,

i just don't care about u.

and even if i wanna cry

i won't tell u-i'd better die.

u don't mean anything to me

but i don't know HOW NOW to be.

u knew that i was burning

and left without a warning...

but...i'm extraordinary girl

in any case i will hold on!

i know that i will miss u,

and more-will wanna kiss u,

but,i will hide this all inside,

and all the tears will stay behind.

u thought u can just leave me,

that's not my type,forgive me!

in month i will forget about u,

i'll be ok,i will get through!

there is no thought's,there is no us!

i think for u it's big surprise -

u fucked my soul,I broke ur heart,

i thought u'll be my second par...but...

yout dreams just differs from the mine,

the only question is just - "why?"

"why did u act yourself like that?" -

this question's just allways in my head!

u just got lost,didn't say goodbye,

i think i know the reason why...

u don't see me,i don't hear u -

and it's the end,i'm sure it's true,

i don't give calls,u don't write me -

and since this time i think you're free.

i won't hold u - u don't need me -

there is no future, i agree.

u don't feel me, i just miss u -

i really miss u,really do.

but...life goes on and nothing's wrong,

and soon the troubles will be gone.

my dreams and thoughts i try to hide,

i hoped u'll be just by my side...

but...i keep living on my own,

and all the troubles haven't gone,

and i keep staying all alone,

and loneless sleeps behind the door.

but time will pass i will calm down.


so,even if i feel like fallen,

i'll be ok,i end the poem...